Thursday, May 28, 2009

We Survived

My honey by good fortunes and fate found the missing kitties we have been looking weeks for. I am so happy they were found. Dutch's mom is going to keep one, I wonder what she will name it. Were trying to convince her she should have 2 because kitties come in pairs, right? They are on there way to the vet and I hope they are all in relative good health. I am very excited they were found. Hopefully more pictures will come later.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Genius + Impressive = Thanks

Thanks to my wife (Dutch -*The Thriller*)for her great dedication, unyielding genius and her never ending impressive desire to help me, My Blog Layout here was only possible because of the intestinal fortitude she displays in finding fixes to some very serious technical problems, like Labels not posting in the correct position figuring out alignment problems and that's just for starters, there were things that I could not solve, I had no clue. She is a Genius even though she will never ever admit it to you. She is a funny, smart, loyal, dedicated woman and I am so glad she is mine. 

Thanks for fixing my Blog honey, Thanks for being you, and Thanks for loving me!

It's Nasty but I send it with Love

I hope Mrs. Guzman starts feeling better soon, I want her to enjoy some time with friends. I send this medicine with love in hopes you will shake this cold/swine/whatever it is. I Love you honey, thinking about you ALWAYS!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Not a good start today

DAMN!! I so forgot I have to show up here today at North Court! Makes me mad I have no idea what is in store for me today. Wish me all luck I can get this fine reduced and maybe work some of if off through community service or make payments on it. Damn!!!

Monday, May 25, 2009


When it comes to you Dutch I will not be deterred by ADT!! I will not give up on anything about you. I will be a rock that is unbreakable, The waves may crash on top of me but my Spirit will never break! I will be here when ever you want me too. 

I Love You always - 3LTD

Honey, I need your touch!

I Need This, Dutch and Forever!!


As a Laker fan I feel there frustration, I hope they can find focus and strength to presevere and find the win. C'mon Lakers lets crush there hopes now!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Dutch = Perfect

There are many symbols and gestures that show or mean love. 
There are things that are not visible that show the strongest definitions of this. 

When it comes to Dutch the thing called my heart shows us the strongest of these it has a name it is called 3LTD. It is the Strongest, the Purest, never-ending source that is produced for her, once it has started it can never stop, it can never fade or be fallible, It is Perfect!

This is why I say I Love You, to you Dutch 
because it is Perfect, just like You!


Dutch you are my "She" words can't describe it only when we meet can I truly make you understand just how much I do love you!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I want to with Dutch right now because she drives me crazy good!

Cue the Music...This is how we do it!!!

Lakers pull out an amazing win and the Angels do there thing and beat the Mariner's....Again! Good day in sports for Cali people.

Just a quick shout out to N2, I miss you

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Just to get this out of the way so we had another earthquake, yes it gave a little jolt but lets not make this into Storm Watch like every time theres some little droppy woppies hitting the pavement, it was 10 seconds, move on, its Cali we get them, lets not start a pandemic just yet, ok, You spoon feeders! Jeesh! You want to worry about something, worry about the rapture, because God is coming....

6 is a magic number

6 is a great number because its more than 5. 5 is like half therefore 6 is more than half. Dutch likes 6 so I like 6. I'm a fan of Prime numbers myself they are lucky for me, but I am learning to like 6 as Dutch has shown me the way. God I love this woman, she is the best thing to ever happen to me. Time to kick the tires and light the fires, I can't take it anymore I need to find a way to get her here 6x's faster! I love her 6X6666666X3LTD anytime she requests the number 6, shes got it. I Love You Dutch!!!!!!


If you love cats you have to check it out

This is Our Time...

This is how I see forever for us. 
In response to your Kitty picture,
I do love you forever!! It's a promise!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

i sorry :-(

I am sorry for all the worries that my decisions cause; as I realize 
that all my actions and all my words effect you, the one I love and
I need to weigh in on those decisions, I do not want you to have one 
iota of worry, or cause you one micro gram of heartache. 

I am sorry for the actions of others as I have no control of them;
It hurts me to see you hurting, at any degree of difficulty you may
be feeling, I want nothing more to stand between you and them
and protect you from anyone who doesn't consider there actions.

I am sorry for the random thoughts of the past that cause you any doubt;
I want nothing more than to show you that things in life can change,
different experiences, different people can offer hope and willingness
feel proud that you are a survivor of the world and stand straight

I am sorry for letting doubts of myself creep in my mind;
I sometimes feel I am not worthy or good enough to be with you
I fight with myself everyday and work hard to let you know who I am
I want to show you and tell you every second how much I Love You!

I am sorry I did not pray harder and find you sooner in this life;
I am going to love you and cherish you for all our days, I am going to put
you in front of me, look out for you, make you laugh and ensure you have 
a smile everyday. 

I am going to live life twice as hard with you to make sure we enjoy 
every second of life we have together so I can make sure we have our fill
I will love you through this life and into the next. I want to try my hardest
and hope I will never have to say I am sorry, regarding anything I do or say.

I give myself to you, I give you all my love, I give you all my essence!

Friday, May 15, 2009

I Will Always

LoLCat Luv, We haz it Pictures, Images and Photos

I will always promise to give you 
the best of myself....and to ask you
no more than you can give.

I will always accept the way you are....
I fell in love with you
for the qualitities an abilities,
and the outlook on life that you have,
and I wont try to reshape you 
in a different  image. 

I will always respect you
as a person with your own interets, desires, and needs
and to realize  that those are sometimes different...
but no less important than my own.

I will always share you....
my time, my close attention
and to bring joy and strength
and imagination to our relationship

I will always pledge to keep myself open to you...
to let you see through
the windows of my personal world,
into my innermost fears and feelings
secrets and dreams.....

I will always promise to grow along with you...
to be willing to face change
as we both change
in order to keep our relationship alive and exciting.

I will always love you in good times and in bad, 
with all I have to give
and with all I feel inside...
in the only way I know how,
completely and forever. 

I love you Dutch! I hope this shows a sliver of how much love I have for you!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Angel Stadium ~ Place to watch good ball

I cant wait to take Dutch here!!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

This is about accurate!

Monday, May 11, 2009

A way to a man's heart is through his stomach!

My Dutch made these for me and I can't wait to sink my teeth into her..oh I mean into them!!!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Just want to say again Happy Mother's Day to my Mom and Grandma, Dutch's Mom and Grandma and to all the other Mother's out there celebrating this day that should really be celebrated everyday but its nice to do a little extra something to show to everyone else just how special are Parents and Grandparents are to the world. A Mothers Love is unparallelled its unrequited, unconditional and should be guarded, because no one loves like a Mother does for there children and to the other loved ones in there lives. 

Family is Special, there are good times and bad but to know what that is and to respect the bonds that keep us together should never be forgotten. I just want to say I love my Mom for all that you are. Without you I would not be who I am and I could not carry your love onto my own family. 

I love you Mom and that can not ever stop. 

Your Loving Son, 


Friday, May 8, 2009

Just Something I need to say to Dutch! 

I can't wait to spend everyday together with lots of Big Hug moments!

I see a light at the end of the tunnel.

cat tgif Pictures, Images and Photos

Man what a week I am so glad I only have 2 hours and 15 minutes to go. I just go to get through the last round of Fedex's. There will be a lot but If I can getter' done, I can go home knowing I only have to get through my bar shift tonight and sleep in, yay me!

Side Note - Today was Dutch's last day at the Cosmetic Surgery Center. She is moving on to different challenges and a fresh take on work. I am proud of her and wish her all the best in her new endeavor with working with people with Special Needs. Love ya Dutch!!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

All this in the last 30 minutes.

I am so done with FedEx...for today at least. F*cking Thank God
Please make the Madness known as FedEx stop.

Thank You for your cooperation

A couple of Things...

First off I have to say BOOOOO on the Angels! How can you let the Jays beat you up like that. Have some self respect. I can't go on to much about this cause it will make my blood boil and I don't need the heart attack right now.

Secondly, Lakers, your win last night was pretty impressive considering your lackluster first half. Props to Kobe on the pass to himself off the glass in the second half that was sick!!!

Lastly, this has been a trend of late with young people at the bars, it's regarding tipping! I know times are hard and the economic failure has us tightening are belts. Seriously though, don't come ordering drink after drink and not tip, bartenders need to make a living too you know. Sure the occasional faux pau and forgetfulness happens but not to lay a dollar down is just not right. if you think its not expected or you have that mentality all they did was twist off a cap, well just dont get to upset if your not waited on and you wait forever for that next drink. I don't want to hear you cry about it. People need to start taking care of there Bartenders, PERIOD!!

Just in..Manny Ramirez is suspended 50 games for Steroids. Thoughts to follow later this evening

Monday, May 4, 2009

Contributions from Dutch

Here is the link for some great old school games. Its a definite must play list.
Thanks to the Guru of Stumbling, my Girl Friend Jenn. 

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Happy 50th Birthday Dee

Alexandria ready for the party

Tables setup courtesy of moi

Setting up center pieces

Center pieces were the raffle prizes as well

Me and the Birthday Girl

*Special Thanks to my mom who put this little shin dig on!

Too Much Cheese to Cut.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

How I feel for Dutch

We Write A Song

© By Seneca B. Johnston

Those tender kisses that passionate touch the moisture our bodies create,Oh my God this is the ecstacy my body thrives on,this moment is the birth of love,our energy exchanges, together we are a binary convergence,our structure permeates the universal need of closeness,you and I escape with candles and a song,

I write a song for you,you write a song for me, we write a song for each other you and I,together we transend the harmony the melody, our tempo flucuates with the movement of our souls.

It is just you I hold, nothing else exist, we are suspended in time dancing with the stars, can you feel it, my heart now beats only for you,each second we spend is eternal bliss, I am yours, you are mine, together we are a design a beautiful portrait, our love is a fortress,oh please let this last forever, every detail is perfected,oh baby can you hear it, the pleasure in my voice, we've created a symphony

Friday, May 1, 2009

16 Rules that should be considered...

1. Get and stay out of your comfort zone. I believe that not much happens of any significance when we're in our comfort zone. I hear people say, "But I'm concerned about security." My response to that is simple: "Security is for cadavers."

2. Never give up. Almost nothing works the first time it's attempted. Just because what you're doing does not seem to be working, doesn't mean it won't work. It just means that it might not work the way you're doing it. If it was easy, everyone would be doing it, and you wouldn't have an opportunity.

3. When you're ready to quit, you're closer than you think. There's an old Chinese saying that I just love, and I believe it is so true. It goes like this: "The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed."

4. With regard to whatever worries you, not only accept the worst thing that could happen, but make it a point to quantify what the worst thing could be. Very seldom will the worst consequence be anywhere near as bad as a cloud of "undefined consequences." My father would tell me early on, when I was struggling and losing my shirt trying to get Parsons Technology going, "Well, Robert, if it doesn't work, they can't eat you."

5. Focus on what you want to have happen. Remember that old saying, "As you think, so shall you be."

6. Take things a day at a time. No matter how difficult your situation is, you can get through it if you don't look too far into the future, and focus on the present moment. You can get through anything one day at a time.

7. Always be moving forward. Never stop investing. Never stop improving. Never stop doing something new. The moment you stop improving your organization, it starts to die. Make it your goal to be better each and every day, in some small way. Remember the Japanese concept of Kaizen. Small daily improvements eventually result in huge advantages.

8. Be quick to decide. Remember what the Union Civil War general, Tecumseh Sherman said: "A good plan violently executed today is far and away better than a perfect plan tomorrow."

9. Measure everything of significance. I swear this is true. Anything that is measured and watched, improves.

10. Anything that is not managed will deteriorate. If you want to uncover problems you don't know about, take a few moments and look closely at the areas you haven't examined for a while. I guarantee you problems will be there.

11. Pay attention to your competitors, but pay more attention to what you're doing. When you look at your competitors, remember that everything looks perfect at a distance. Even the planet Earth, if you get far enough into space, looks like a peaceful place.

12. Never let anybody push you around. In our society, with our laws and even playing field, you have just as much right to what you're doing as anyone else, provided that what you're doing is legal.

13. Never expect life to be fair. Life isn't fair. You make your own breaks. You'll be doing good if the only meaning fair has to you, is something that you pay when you get on a bus (i.e., fare).

14. Solve your own problems. You'll find that by coming up with your own solutions, you'll develop a competitive edge. Masura Ibuka, the co-founder of SONY, said it best: "You never succeed in technology, business, or anything by following the others." There's also an old Asian saying that I remind myself of frequently. It goes like this: "A wise man keeps his own counsel."

15. Don't take yourself too seriously. Lighten up. Often, at least half of what we accomplish is due to luck. None of us are in control as much as we like to think we are.

16. There's always a reason to smile. Find it. After all, you're really lucky just to be alive. Life is short. More and more, I agree with my little brother. He always reminds me: "We're not here for a long time; we're here for a good time."

The above article is included with the permission of Bob Parsons and is Copyright 2005 by Bob Parsons. All rights reserved.

The 3rd Law of Thermodynamics!!!

Love for Dutch can neither be stopped nor destroyed. I have the one up trophy in my court now!! I LOVE YOU DUTCH!


I am so pissed at Fedex right now. I just want to make it all burn!!!!