Thursday, May 7, 2009

A couple of Things...

First off I have to say BOOOOO on the Angels! How can you let the Jays beat you up like that. Have some self respect. I can't go on to much about this cause it will make my blood boil and I don't need the heart attack right now.

Secondly, Lakers, your win last night was pretty impressive considering your lackluster first half. Props to Kobe on the pass to himself off the glass in the second half that was sick!!!

Lastly, this has been a trend of late with young people at the bars, it's regarding tipping! I know times are hard and the economic failure has us tightening are belts. Seriously though, don't come ordering drink after drink and not tip, bartenders need to make a living too you know. Sure the occasional faux pau and forgetfulness happens but not to lay a dollar down is just not right. if you think its not expected or you have that mentality all they did was twist off a cap, well just dont get to upset if your not waited on and you wait forever for that next drink. I don't want to hear you cry about it. People need to start taking care of there Bartenders, PERIOD!!

Just in..Manny Ramirez is suspended 50 games for Steroids. Thoughts to follow later this evening

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

All I can say about yesterday is thank goodness the Lakers won cause every other team lost. lol.

I always leave good tips, ask any of my friends. I tip way more than I should sometimes, but I have a kind heart. I know how important tips are to people, specially bartenders cause they put up with alot of shit from drunk people like me. HA!

Ramirez is a dumbass, 'nuff said.