Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Steve Tuttle from Newsweek ~ Your just an Idiot~

Let me just share with you my premise here for this rant before I even get started here, and I quote,

I like to play a game with my son, Joseph. We sit on a bench in touristy Old Town, Alexandria, Va., and we're not allowed to get up until we see a dozen pairs of Crocs. It usually doesn't take long. But the other day we were stuck at eight after a few minutes, and I was getting a little concerned. Just then my boy leaned over and said, "Don't worry, Dad. A family of dorks will come along any minute." To paraphrase Hank Hill, if he wasn't my son, I would have hugged him right then, I was so proud.

I know what you're thinking: what kind of sick father lets his impressionable young son call people dorks because of the shoes they wear? Well, who else will teach him that wearing sweaty bright purple clown shoes in public is not OK?

He certainly won't learn that lesson at school. Teachers seem to be some of the biggest abusers of this horrid fad."

It's When I ran into this article I thought I just glance it and see, thinking this is just another filler for the day but the antagonistic overtiones and the thoughtless banter made me realize that someone as Mr. Tuttle who could write for such a prolific newspaper would swallow the red pill and fall down the rabbits hole into the pit of anti semitism of a product, idea, worst of all the right to choice, made me want to step up and send in my 2 cents.

It's people like Mr. Tuttle why America as a people are go in to Hell in a hand bag and why we should weep for our youth of today. They have no direction, and more and more it seems like the ones with parenting skills such as you Mr. Tuttle are leading us down the prim rose path to destruction with behavior like this. Regardless of what your personal opinions are and I do believe in the right to express it, even to your kid in such a manner may be your inalienable right, but not teaching him to have a choice and the ability to take in information and make up his own opinions based on the truths he should be able to discover for himself is more of a travesty. Forget about the shenanigans of you think crocs are ugly and that the more than cult following of a fad (they have been around for 5 years I think they are here to stay) or that they are more popular than ever because of the comfort factor in a day of age where we are all a little more concerned with how we look, you should be thankful that people are still able to exercise common sense and wear what is more comfortable and anatomically correct foot wear than the masochistic shoes more people wear to say look at me, look at me. Please do not presume that people are wearing these to make any type of fashion statement, please leave them alone and any other people who wish to exude their opinions in the fashion world.

The next time your going to do a piece like this remember do it up beat, state your own opinion but leave with something like a more detailed work of Missionaries just trying to provide shoes to 3rd world countries that would wear crocs as a symbol affluent hypocrisy just like anyone else (wink)

The main point is the sad prophetic fruition of your sons life starting down a dark path with you holding the torch infront of him to this world of hate. Please stop what you are doing, try to undo what you can and I will pray for the both of you that, goodness and encouragement are what needed more now than ever in your lives as well as others.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Good Bye Ed's Daily Dose

Thanks to all who either inspired or contributed to Ed's Daily Dose.

Finally making the move to the correct email and making some decision changes I will now be posting here at The Devils Advocate.

Here's to those who want to be heard and here is to those getting their teeth kicked in by those who love to play devils advocate

Mean Eddie G

Activating The Devils Advocate

Here we go again...