Saturday, May 16, 2009

i sorry :-(

I am sorry for all the worries that my decisions cause; as I realize 
that all my actions and all my words effect you, the one I love and
I need to weigh in on those decisions, I do not want you to have one 
iota of worry, or cause you one micro gram of heartache. 

I am sorry for the actions of others as I have no control of them;
It hurts me to see you hurting, at any degree of difficulty you may
be feeling, I want nothing more to stand between you and them
and protect you from anyone who doesn't consider there actions.

I am sorry for the random thoughts of the past that cause you any doubt;
I want nothing more than to show you that things in life can change,
different experiences, different people can offer hope and willingness
feel proud that you are a survivor of the world and stand straight

I am sorry for letting doubts of myself creep in my mind;
I sometimes feel I am not worthy or good enough to be with you
I fight with myself everyday and work hard to let you know who I am
I want to show you and tell you every second how much I Love You!

I am sorry I did not pray harder and find you sooner in this life;
I am going to love you and cherish you for all our days, I am going to put
you in front of me, look out for you, make you laugh and ensure you have 
a smile everyday. 

I am going to live life twice as hard with you to make sure we enjoy 
every second of life we have together so I can make sure we have our fill
I will love you through this life and into the next. I want to try my hardest
and hope I will never have to say I am sorry, regarding anything I do or say.

I give myself to you, I give you all my love, I give you all my essence!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

So beautiful. I wish I knew the right words to say to you right now. Your words touch me in ways I never thought possible, it's because our love is so strong and because you are my soulmate. I love you so much honey, always and forever.