Thursday, December 25, 2008

Desperate but not Serious

I knew this image would come in handy once again it almost accurate depicts the sudden mood swings felt on this glamorous, less infamous day. On record you can quote me as this is the worst Christmas ever. There are a lot of reasons for this and I don't feel like discussing them so don't fucking ask, this is a rant a tirade something to kill fucking time while I purge itunes and listen to Adam Ant screaming in my ear at this nano second. I can't wait to seal this pathetic year up when I go to work on New Years at the bar hoping I get to kick someones drunk that bad?

I am glad this is giving me something to do other than watch the bald man in front of me play his XBOX in dreams of conquering his game, with no other reason that he is to lazy to go to the movies with me to get me out of this maddening boredom. The only faded bright light was the Gingerbread I got today other than that there are not a lot more things I could dream of that would make anything better in any sense in the doldrums's of my mind. I am suffocating by my ineptitude to find something to do not that going out by myself is not a valiant effort, but who are we kidding right. I need to shake shit up, start acting rather than reacting and become the mean eddie g we all know I use to be, you know who you are that remember ;-)

I'll spare you the rest of any dribble that is just pouring out. Mr. Ant is done and I need to move on to some Morrissey, who's tongue is most silver, and rings of House like idioms that crack into my cranium.

This is the last song I will ever I lied, Good Night and Thank You

Can't Catch me I am the Gingerbread man!!!

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